Congratulations to Itoh sensei and Tooley sensei
The CIA is proud to announce that both Takeji Itoh sensei and Chris Tooley sensei have performed at 61st Zen Nippon Iaido Renmei Zenkoku Taikai’s Enbukai (第六十一回全日本居合道連盟全国大会), and successfully attained the rank of ZNIR Rokudan (6 Dan) at the recent Zen Nihon Iaido Renmei Kyoto Zenkoku Shougou Dani Shinsakai (全日本居合道連盟京都全国称号段位審査会).
Tanida Sensei, Kato Sensei, and Itoh Sensei after the ZNIR Zenkoku Kyoto Taikai
Tanida Sensei, Kato Sensei, Itoh Sensei, and Tooley Sensei after the ZNIR Zenkoku Kyoto Taikai