Completed! Parksville Gasshuku September 8, 2002
The Parksville gasshuku was a great success for the seventeen people who participated. Not only did we get in lots of practice, but we had plenty of time to relax, get to know each other better, and generally exchange apocryphal stories and witty banter. We really did have lots of fun. The food deserves special mention – really exceptional and lots of it. Special thanks to Ian for the chicken wings and chili.
On Friday, we arrived at Peter’s house and set up tents in his yard. That evening we practiced for about 40 minutes. The morning schedule was the same on both Saturday and Sunday: about 30- 40 minutes practice before breakfast and then to the dojo (The Bradley Center) where we practiced for about two hours. After lunch back at Peter’s house on Saturday, we practiced at the dojo again from about 2:00 – 4:00 PM. Afterwards, many of us caught a shower at a nearby campground. After dinner in the evening, we had another 40 minute practice followed by beer and sake Owaza. The last practice was Sunday afternoon on the beach with a light breeze under a blue sky.
Those who couldn’t make it should be envious, but can plan to come next year.