Completed! Parksville Gasshuku September 8, 2002
The Parksville gasshuku was a great success for the seventeen people who participated. Not only did we get in lots of practice, but we had plenty of time to relax, get to know each other better, and generally exchange apocryphal stories and witty banter. We really did have lots of fun. The food deserves special […]
Completed! Summer Iaido Seminar, 2002
with Esaka Sensei and Kaneda Sensei Dates: Friday June 7th, 2002, Saturday, June 8th, 2002, Sunday, June 9th, 2002 Location: UBC, Student Recreation Center Gym (NO. 32 on UBC Map) Student Union Boulevard, Gate 2 University of British Columbia. Instructors: Seigen Esaka Sensei, 10th dan Hanshi, (ZNIR) Hisato Kaneda Sensei, Kyoshi (ZNIR) Translators: Raj Thakrar, […]
Completed! Spring Iaido Seminar 2002 plus CIA AGM
Location: Parksville, B.C., on Vancouver Island Date: Saturday May 4th, 2002 Location: The Bradley Centre Parksville, B.C. On Vancouver Island Instructor: Ted Davis Sensei, Renshi (ZNIR) Organizer: Peter Gunstone This Seminar covered basic and advanced Iaido waza. Peter Gunstone and his dojo members in Parksville did an outstanding job of hosting our May 4 seminar. […]
Completed! 2001 Fall Iaido Seminar
Date: Sunday, December 9th, 2001 Location: McKinnon Building, Dance Studio University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada Instructor: Ted Davis Sensei, Renshi, President, Canadian Iaido Association This iaido seminar covered: Kihon (basics) Seiza no bu Battoo ho Tatehiza no Bu
Completed! 2001 Summer Iaido Seminar
with Esaka Sensei and Kaneda Sensei Date: Friday, May 25th to Sunday May 27th, 2001 Location: The 2/3rds Main Gym, the McKinnon Building at UVic, and Commonwealth Place Rec Centre, Main Gym 4636 Elk Lake Drive, Victoria, BC, Canada Dan Exams: Dan examinations began at 1:00 PM, Sunday. Location: Commonwealth Place Rec Centre, Main Gym […]