ZNIR and CIA Fees
- CIA test fee: This fee goes to the CIA and may be adjusted.
- Ikkyu (1st Kyu) $0
- Shodan (1st Dan) $80
- Nidan (2nd Dan) $120
- Sandan (3rd Dan) $180
- Yondan (4th Dan) $250
- Godan (5th Dan) $350
All CIA fees must be in Canadian dollars.
- ZNIR entry fee (Nyukaihi 入会費) 3000 yen: A one time fee to join the ZNIR and become a ZNIR registered member.
- ZNIR Yearly fee (Nenkaihi 年会費): 1000 yen per year to Kantō Chiku Renmei (ZNIR Kantō region federation) to maintain ZNIR membership status. People need to pay this fee on application in their first year (with Nyukaihi) and every year after. If this fee is not paid to ZNIR, the unpaid yearly balance will be required to be made up at their next Dan test. This minimal 1000 yen (~12.00CAD) fee, however, is a way to show that you are actively practicing Iaido, and if not paid for a year, that year will not count towards the years required between Dan testing.
- ZNIR Dan registration fee (only paid after passing):
- Shodan (1st Dan) 3000 yen
- Nidan (2nd Dan) 4500 yen
- Sandan (3rd Dan) 6000 yen
- Yondan (4th Dan) 7500 yen
- Godan (5th Dan) 9000 yen
(Ikkyu does not pay any fees to the ZNIR for Dan certificate registration)
Fees to ZNIR must be in Japanese yen. - Postal fees: for certificates and membership cards (TBD).
- Example 1: A practitioner testing for 1st Kyu would cost 3000 JPY for ZNIR membership entry fee (a one time fee) + 1000 JPY ZNIR yearly fee for a total of about $50 CAD. (4000 JPY)
- Example 2: A Shodan testing would cost 3000 JPY for ZNIR membership entry fee (a one time fee) + 3000 JPY ZNIR Dan fee + 1000 JPY ZNIR yearly fee + $80 CAD CIA test fee for a total of about $150 CAD. (80 CAD + 7000 JPY)
- Example 3: An old CIA Shodan testing for a ZNIR Nidan would cost 3000 yen for ZNIR membership entry fee (a one time fee) + 4500 yen ZNIR Dan fee + 1000 JPY ZNIR yearly fee + $120 CAD CIA testing fee for a total of about $210 CAD. (120 CAD + 8500 JPY)
- Example 4: A ZNIR Shodan testing for a ZNIR Nidan after achieving Shodan would cost 1000 yen for yearly fee (Nenkaihi) + 4500 yen ZNIR Dan fee + $120 CAD CIA testing fee for a total of about $180 CAD (120 CAD + 5500 JPY).
- If you do not pass your Shinsa (Dan examination), then you will not need to pay the ZNIR Dan registration fee, however, you still need to pay the CIA examination fee, yearly fee, and Nyukaihi (a one time registration fee) if you have not already done so.
- The CIA can exchange currency for you at seminars, however the banks will provide a better rate on the currency exchange. The CIA will post the price in CAD in the signup page. However, we encourage everyone to obtain their own Japanese Yen before the beginning of seminars.