ZNIR/CIA Dan and Kyu Ranks
The Zen Nippon Iaido Renmei gives out ranks to members in good standing of the ZNIR based upon certain eligibility criteria and skill level. The following ranks listed on this page have descriptions for the achievement level and requirements, all of which only apply to ZNIR Dan members.
The following are the available ranks you can attain only in Japan, in descending order from the highest attainable rank:
ZNIR Jūdan (10th Dan) | The highest rank attainable other than the ZNIR President’s Meijin. Granted only to Iaido masters who have been recognized by the ZNIR Headquarters to have contributed with the utmost merit and most outstanding service, who bring great honour to Iaido and the ZNIR. |
ZNIR Kudan (9th Dan) | Granted only to Iaido masters who have been recognized by the ZNIR Headquarters to have contributed significantly with outstanding merit and distinguished service, who bring honour to the ZNIR, and have proven dedication and superb achievement through their position in the ZNIR Headquarters. |
ZNIR Hanshi | Granted only to Iaido masters who have demonstrated through their practice and dedication an outstanding level of service or set an exemplary standard of achievement to considerably benefit or honour the ZNIR with their highest professionalism. |
ZNIR Jun Hanshi | Granted to Iaido practitioners who have garnered respect through their diligent and lengthy practice and achievement in Iaido, whose actions and achievements contributed to the elevation and consistent reaffirmation of the ZNIR. |
ZNIR Hachidan (8th Dan) | Granted to Iaido practitioners who are of an irreproachable character and who have demonstrated dedication through their long years of training. Under normal circumstances, 8th Dan or higher is required before getting a recommendation to become a ZNIR Headquarters core member. |
ZNIR Kyoshi | Granted to an Iaido practitioner who demonstrates exemplary service with their instruction, practice, and general responsibilities. From this level and higher, the practitioner is expected to pass on their knowledge and wisdom to their students, and therefore this level or higher no longer has any Iaido competitions. |
ZNIR Shichidan or Nanadan (7th Dan) | Granted to an Iaido practitioner who shows continued dedication to Iaido, contributed to the strength of the ZNIR, and acted in a manner to honour and protect the ZNIR. Under normal circumstances, 7th Dan or higher is required before getting a recommendation to become a ZNIR Headquarters member. |
ZNIR Renshi | Granted to an Iaido practitioner by the ZNIR Headquarters who has long years of practice and dedication to set as an example for their respective Iaido dojo(s). |
ZNIR Rokudan (6th Dan) | Granted to an Iaido practitioner by the ZNIR Headquarters who has shown continuous diligence in their many years of practice, has shown a strong will to support and protect the ZNIR. |
The following are the available ranks you are able to attain in Canada without travel to Japan, in order from highest to lowest:
ZNIR Godan (5th Dan) | This is the final attainable rank for testing in Canada. Granted to an Iaido practitioner who has shown continuous diligence in their many years of practice, initiative in their training attitude and will to continue their progress in Iaido. |
ZNIR Yodan or Yondan (4th Dan) | Granted to senior Iaido students who have shown initiative in their training and a whole-hearted pursuit of Iaido. |
ZNIR Sandan (3rd Dan) | Granted to Iaido students who have shown a commitment to Iaido. |
ZNIR Nidan (2nd Dan) | Granted to Iaido students who have continued to walk the path of Iaido. |
ZNIR Shodan (1st Dan) | Granted to Iaido students who have decided to begin an Iaido journey. |
CIA Ikkyu (level 1) | Lowest rank for testing in Canada. |