Communication Rules
Members must adhere to some basic communication rules with Japan:
- If you wish to communicate with the ZNIR, you must do so through the CIA president only. It is likely that the CIA president can already give you an answer. Denton Hewgill (ZNIR 7th Dan) is the current CIA president. You can find contact information for the CIA president on the Contact Us page. This is a direct order given to the CIA from Japan ZNIR Headquarters.
- To arrange to practice Iaido in Japan, or to attend a Taikai in Japan, you must only go through official CIA channels, which is only the CIA president, Denton Hewgill. In order to practice in Japan, or attend a Taikai, you must be at least Godan or higher. If people ranked below Godan wish to go to Japan to practice Iaido, it is still possible but you will need permission. It is unacceptable and very impolite to simply show up unannounced to practice at a dojo.
- The CIA has access to, and works with, a Kansayaku, Itoh Takeji sensei (ZNIR 7th Dan), as noted on the Contact Us page. Itoh sensei was appointed and recognized officially as Kansayaku by Kato Haruo sensei while he was in Japan. If needed, he has the authority to represent ZNIR. If there are any questions that need to be resolved, the CIA president will confer with the Kansayaku Itoh sensei.
- The Current official Channel looks like this:
[CIA Dojos] → [CIA President (Denton Hewgill)] → [Kansayaku (Takeji Itoh)] → [ZNIR]
Any attempts to circumvent this official channel will be known and action will be taken by the ZNIR and/or the CIA. Following official communication channels is very important to maintaining the integrity of the CIA.